Utilising Hostcomm RVX for Remote Visual Surveys in Air Source Heat Pump Projects to Eliminate Multiple On-Site Visits

Hostcomm RVX is a remote visual assistance platform that allows a computer-based video "host" to connect with any mobile device with live video capabilities and subsequently guide, support, record, and measure using an array of augmented reality (AR) tools. The primary advantage of Hostcomm RVX is the time and money saved by eliminating the need for frequent on-site visits.

As the demand for air source heat pumps (ASHP) soars, the number of potential projects outpaces the capacity of available installers. This often results in long waiting periods for consumers and delayed cash flow for installation companies. Implementing remote visual surveys can alleviate this bottleneck by remotely capturing survey data and providing sales consultations simultaneously.

The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) sets the standards and regulations for installing renewable energy systems, including ASHPs, in residential properties. These regulations ensure that ASHP installations are safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly. This article will examine the key MCS regulations applicable to domestic ASHP installations and how RVX can facilitate rapid, cost-effective data collection.

Remote Data Capture Requirements and Methods with RVX

Ground Level Measurements

The ASHP outdoor compressor unit must not exceed 0.6m3 in volume, and sufficient space must be allocated for the unit and necessary airflows. Vertical clearance above the unit should be approximately 1.5m, with horizontal clearance around 1m. The unit must be installed on a flat surface, either on the ground or a flat roof. If elevated, it must be at least 1m from the edge of the raised surface.

RVX Solution - The RVX measure tool allows the mobile device user to capture these measurements easily while the host observes and provides guidance.

Exterior Appearance

The ASHP unit should be positioned to minimize its impact on the building's exterior appearance.

RVX Solution - The session host can use the Google Maps RVX plugin to examine potential ASHP installation locations from above and the road to ensure compliance.

Property Boundary Limit

A minimum gap of 1 meter should be maintained between the air source heat pump and the building boundary.

RVX Solution - This requirement can be verified by viewing a plan view of the property on Google Maps and then double-checking with the RVX Measure tool at ground level by the property owner.

Proximity to the Main Building

The external unit must be within 20m of the building it will heat. Although not a strict rule, it is a recommended practice because efficiency decreases as the distance between the unit and the building increases.

RVX Solution - The RVX / Google Maps measurement tool can measure the distance from a satellite view.

Sound Emissions

ASHP installations must also adhere to MCS regulations regarding sound emissions. The regulations stipulate maximum noise levels for ASHPs both inside and outside the home to prevent excessive noise that could disturb occupants or neighbours. Air-source heat pumps must produce less than 42 decibels of noise measured at a distance equal to that between the unit and the neighbouring property. Proper unit positioning is crucial, as they typically generate noise levels between 40 and 60 decibels.

RVX Solution - The remote mobile device microphone can capture sound levels, which are displayed on the host user interface. By recording sound levels at various positions, it is possible to quickly generate a calibrated noise level with accuracy.


Several other survey tasks must be completed before an ASHP installation, including capturing images of the electrical distribution board, meter readings, existing heating system, parking, and side access. These tasks can now be performed remotely by the session host, who can collect the necessary data and initiate the sales process during the session. The RVX survey allows installation companies to promptly address leads without waiting for appointments, giving them a competitive advantage. Additionally, the project lifecycle is shortened, allowing the installer to receive payments and move on to the next project more quickly.

While RVX cannot replace all tasks, it can save time, reduce costs, decrease the number of aborted projects, and enhance customer service. For more information, please email [email protected].

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