Do you want to increase your revenue stream simply by sending your customers to Hostcomm?
As a Hostcomm Affiliate, you'll earn a monthly reward based on the Hosted Telephony or Hosted Contact Centre service fees charged by Hostcomm as a result of your referral. We'll take care of everything else - from set-up to support and billing.
The more customers you refer, the more you earn. All you have to do is check your account and invoice us for your earnings.
In brief: You refer the customer to Hostcomm. We'll then take care of sales, set-up and support. In return, you'll receive a percentage of the service fees throughout the entire term of the customer contract with Hostcomm.
Alternatively, if you want to retain the customer as your own client, you might want to become a Hostcomm Reseller. Becoming a Reseller means taking on greater responsibility for supporting the client’s telephony or contact centre. However, the long-term rewards and development of stronger customer relationships are also much greater.