How to transform your organisation using CX Analytics without costly system replacements.

In the age of digital transformation, many organisations feel the pressure to upgrade their communications infrastructure to harness the power of data analytics. This often conjures up images of significant overhauls, replacing old systems, and heavy investment in new technologies. However, the truth is, modernising your customer experience doesn't necessarily mean replacing your existing phone systems, contact centres, or email platforms. With the power of artificial intelligence (AI), you can seamlessly integrate CX Analytics without the massive infrastructure overhaul. But how?

What is CX Analytics?

Before diving in, it's crucial to understand what we mean by CX Analytics. In simple terms, it is the collection and analysis of customer interactions to derive insights, spot patterns, and improve overall customer experience. This involves tracking every touchpoint, from phone calls to emails, social media interactions, and even face-to-face engagements.

Why the Fear of Replacement?

One common misconception is that to implement CX Analytics, organisations need to get rid of their existing systems. The rationale behind this fear stems from the legacy systems’ supposed inability to integrate with new technologies. In many cases, businesses have invested a significant amount of resources in their current communication platforms. Starting from scratch seems both costly and daunting

AI to the Rescue

Here's where AI becomes a game-changer. With advancements in AI-driven solutions, there is no longer a need to replace your existing infrastructure to benefit from CX Analytics. Here's how:

  • Cloud Connectivity: Modern AI tools are designed to work in cloud environments, which means they can easily integrate with your existing systems, be it phone, email, or contact centres, without any massive changes.

  • Data Integration: AI solutions can fetch data from disparate sources, unifying information from various touch points, ensuring that CX Analytics gets a comprehensive view of the customer journey.

  • Real-time Analysis: Through AI, real-time analytics become a reality. Be it a live phone call, an ongoing chat, or an email thread; AI can analyse data on-the-fly to offer insights, suggest solutions, or even predict customer behaviour.

  • Enhanced Interactions: AI can be employed to provide real-time feedback to representatives during interactions. This might mean suggesting solutions, prompting upsell opportunities, or even alerting to potential customer dissatisfaction.

Steps to Integrate CX Analytics Using AI

  • Assessment: Understand the current infrastructure and identify the key touch points for customer interaction.

  • Choose the Right Tool: While many AI-driven CX Analytics tools are available, it's essential to select one that aligns with your specific needs and current infrastructure. For example if use of personal data within an LLM is an issue the application provider should explain how your data is processed and ideally personal data should be redacted.

  • Integration: This might involve API integrations or using middleware solutions that act as a bridge between your legacy systems and modern AI analytics tools. API technology is important in integration and it must be very easy to set up the connections.

  • Training: As with any tool, success comes from effective usage. Ensure that your team is trained to understand and act on the insights derived from the analytics.

  • Continuous Review: The world of AI and analytics is continuously evolving. Regular reviews will help adapt to changing customer preferences and emerging trends.

Hostcomm CXCortex

CXCortex is a SAAS application which listens to and understands all of your organisations’ interactions regardless of the communications channel. Using advanced AI and data management systems it can provide a wide array of CX Analytics information from any media file. Connecting your systems is easy, especially if you use Amazon AWS S3 or MS Azure to store your media files. Once CXCortex is ready there are a wide variety of pre-configured insights which are useful in any organisation, you can also configure your own objectives and grading processes.

CXCortex provides you with quick, easy to install dashboard view of your staff performance and customer experience in real time. This enables you to react and make changes quickly to service problems, HR issues and customer needs. It also gives you the mechanism to store, learn from and use historical interactions to provide better, quicker support. Once organised correctly your employees and customers can ‘chat’ to your constantly and automatically-evolving knowledgeable of experiences.

CXCortex schematic
CXCortex components


The integration of CX Analytics into an organisations communication infrastructure doesn't have to be a daunting task involving massive overhauls. With the power of AI, it's easier than ever to supercharge your customer interactions without letting go of your trusted systems. Embrace the future of customer experience without leaving the past behind.

For more information on CXCortex visit this page:

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