Yes the software is open source and therefore free to anyone however it needs a reliable server platform, dialer-friendly phone lines, UK numbers and configuring for UK regulations, as a minimum.
There are some minor changes such as the web interface theme but essentially its the same software so it can be upgraded regularly without problems.
More than 100, the majority have been with us for over 5 years.
Yes we provide your service with multiple lines which are automatically spread over 5 UK carriers to ensure good CPS & ASR rates which means less wait time.
Yes we subscribe to the TPS register so we receive bimonthly updates to our database which is used to filter calls for customers that require this.
Unlimited technical telephone and email support during UK business hours, server installation, training, campaign performance advice, account management, Ofcom and ICO advice.
Hostcomm has been a partner since 2008, it regularly invests in diagnostics, advice and new feature development.
We moved to AWS about 3 years ago from several UK data centres, reliability, cost and performance have all improved substantially since moving.
Yes we regularly communicate with the ICO & Ofcom and can give you everything you need to know about how to operate your campaigns without getting into trouble.
Vicidial is a sophisticated and intricate system designed for outbound call centres, which are mission-critical environments where downtime can lead to significant losses. Our customers recognise the importance of reliability.