Chatbots and AI

How to Deal With Inappropriate Chatbot Messages

Chatbots are becoming an increasingly prominent part of daily life. Able to handle a range of queries with efficiency while delivering high levels of customer satisfaction, chatbots are now the option of choice for call centres across a range of sectors.

While many chatbots can offer a seamless experience, there have been instances where chatbots have gone wrong, particularly when faced with a specific audience or question. However, with the correct preparation and setup, these experiences can be easily avoided. Here, we take a look at where chatbots have gone wrong in the past and how, here at Hostcomm, we can provide a solution that puts these worries to rest.

The Perils of Machine Learning

There is much to be excited about regarding the future of chatbots. As developments in deep and reinforced machine learning continue to accelerate AI technology, the capabilities of chatbots continue to increase.

However, along this road of development, there have been a few high-profile cases of such technologies going wrong. One of the most publicised was Tay, a machine learning-powered Twitter chatbot that was designed by Microsoft to learn from Twitter users and interact on the platform. After being fed offensive information by users, it began to regurgitate the messages, forcing the company to shut it down after less than one day of operation.

Microsoft themselves have had some level of success in similar projects. XiaoIce, a Chinese chatbot developed similarly to Tay but for a different market has performed well since its development in 2014. Meanwhile, Zo, a messenger chatbot released following the Tay experiment has been shown to work, although its many conversational barriers regarding race and politics have left many asking whether this is a true AI. However, the experiences seen in the Tay project show the importance, particularly for business chatbots, of some level of control and regulation.

Delivering a Satisfying Chatbot for Consumers

Thankfully, the vast majority of business chatbots do not operate a fully-fledged, unrestricted machine learning programme. Instead, many perform through a selection of set questions and answers which cover a vast range of subjects. However, even a simple chatbot such as this can have its downfalls.

A heavily-regulated chatbot can provide peace of mind to the business. However, it can also make interactions with the chatbot unnatural and, at worse, too challenging. According to the US-based 2018 State of Chatbots Report, 30% of people are still worried about making a mistake when using a chatbot. Often, this is because the machine expects specific questions and responses and will not act appropriately (or at all) if something outside the confines is suggested. Chatbots that do not allow for any differentiation will create a much less satisfying experience for the consumer.

On the other hand, a smart chatbot solution like those offered by Hostcomm can provide a much more comfortable and enjoyable experience. By using a chatbot that understands and can act on natural language, businesses can deal with their customers in the words that they wish to use. This level of adaptability creates a much more fluid experience for the user. Combined with things such as our small talk engine, smart chatbots can deliver much higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Finding the Correct Chatbot for Your Business

Ultimately, a balance has to be found between providing a natural, flowing chatbot and one that stays on brand, sticking to the values of the business. When chatbots achieve the right balance, they can become an invaluable asset, increasing productivity, customer satisfaction and, ultimately, business performance.

Here at Hostcomm, our chatbots for businesses can be tailored to suit your company’s size and industry. Our chatbots come with code-free setup, conversation-building tools that keep you in control and 24/7 support for further peace of mind. With omni-channel capabilities and PCI-DSS level security also included, get in contact with us today to discover the ideal solution for your company.

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