Business VoIP

How to identify and fix the causes of poor quality VoIP calls

If you are using a phone system that's based on VoIP and you are experiencing poor VoIP call quality, take action now to diagnose and correct the issues. With today's standards of VoIP services, don't put up with problematic call quality, fix it.

If your VoIP service provider is unable to identify and correct the VoIP audio problems for you, use our eBook, 'Troubleshooting Poor VoIP Audio’ to help you diagnose and correct your issues. The guide steps you through a number of reasons why you could be suffering from poor-quality audio.

  1. Your router
  2. Your local network
  3. Your bandwidth
  4. Your internet connection

Read the guide for information and actionable recommendations that will identify your problem and the required fix.

The VoIP Troubleshooting guide is part of a series of valuable resources Hostcomm delivers to help you get the most from your VoIP solutions. We hope you find it helpful. And if your existing service provider was unable to help you, we'd recommend you source a new service provider. Talk to us. We take pride in our high service and customer support levels.

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