CRM Integrations

Hostcomm Meets Growing Demand for Predictive Dialler and Bright Office CRM Integration

Hostcomm feels the urgency from contact centres to improve business effciencies and improve customer service, performing three major hosted dialler and Bright Office CRM integrations in just one week.

Leading UK VoIP provider Hostcomm has seen a significant growth in demand for better hosted predictive dialler and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, according to recent client projects. In just one week, Hostcomm was tasked with carrying out three hosteddialler CRM database integrations with Bright Office CRM, bringing greater efficiency, less wasted time, and reduced costs to call centre environments.

The popularity of hosted dialler and CRM integration can be explained by the most common issues that call centres of all sizes encounter with these platforms. CRM systems quickly collect data, but this often becomes outdated and stale. Integration can guarantee up to date information ready for follow-up in the CRM.

Meanwhile, a dialler is at its most effective when focused on its primary tasks. With resources focused on agent talk time and list penetration, call centre managers can save around an hour every day – adding up to hundreds of pounds every month.

While these issues can be partly solved by manually moving clean data from the dialler to a CRM system, this method is time consuming and complex.

“Without integration, marrying data from a CRM and a hosted dialler is not practical,” says Chris Key, Director at Hostcomm. “Worse, data in the CRM is never completely up to date. I am not surprised that demand for our hosted dialler and CRM integration continues to increase – it is the most efficient way to make sure that clean data flows through a contact centre’s systems. Even better, workflow automation plays a vital role in driving productivity and achieving tangible cost savings.”

Using the standards-based Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of the respective systems, Hostcomm has implemented process for three new clients in April that deliver cost saving automation. The integration filters leads and valuable data and inserts these into the correct Bright Office CRM section, ready for the follow-up team.

Since the filtering system is based on disposition and call outcome codes, it is simple to use. Disposition codes such as No Answer (NA) and Answerphone (A) are kept on the dialler for lead recycling, while Sale and Callback codes are sent to the CRM system for follow up.

This process happens almost instantly between two systems, regardless of physical server location. In the case of the three implementations in April, data is securely passed between the Hostcomm and Bright Office data centres in the UK.

“Hostcomm’s integrations are so popular because they are flexible,” adds Key. “Our integration can include in-house and cloud-based systems, all working together automatically. We can also produce custom scripts to reflect client requirements, from capturing survey data from web forms and inserting it into the CRM to sending notification emails for certain call outcomes. This is made possible by our in-house expertise, our insight into the needs of call centre managers, and our excellent relationship with the Bright Office team.”

In the past five years, Hostcomm and Bright office have worked together on numerous integration projects. As the result of this long term relationship, clients get quick completion, reduced cost, and the best possible support. As demand continues to increase, this productive relationship looks set to continue.

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